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Re: 2019-nCov Coronavirus

by: navid110
Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon In an explosive interview Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health...

Re: 2019-nCov Coronavirus

by: navid110
Russian Evacuees From China To Be Quarantined In Remote Siberian Region The Russian Air Force on orders from President Vladimir Putin is currently in the midst of evacuating some over 150 Russian nationals from China and sending them to be "monitored" for coronavirus symptoms in a region ...

Re: Coronavirus cases hits 100k

by: 18580198161
相信我,朋友,病毒很可怕,他的传播途径主要是靠唾液、飞沫传播,病毒会在空气中存活数小时,人体被感染的途径有口腔吸入,鼻腔吸入,以及带有病毒的飞沫掉落到眼睛。相信我,出门戴口罩,戴护目镜只对你有好处!此外,这次病毒的运作原理是入侵你的免疫系统,让你的免疫系统误认为你的肺部细胞是外来入侵者,免疫系统会攻击你的肺部细胞,然后会造成感染发炎。与此同时,肺部本能地分泌粘液,然而你已经无力排出足够多的肺部粘液,最终,你是自己被自己的免疫系统攻击,肺部粘液导致你无法呼吸,最终被淹死。 中国大面积爆发疫情时,几乎所有人停止一切社会活动,在家不出门,不与外人接触,14天以后,有人感染去医院,没有感染在家,隔离,...

Re: Coronavirus cases hits 100k

by: Xronos__
Hi, many things from China we realized that they are not going, they have a culture of unsafe for the human being, maybe they are too many, they have to make room .. It is well known that the population of the planet is the biggest ever, almost 8 billions (Hitting constant limit ups). Annual-World-...

Re: Coronavirus cases hits 500k

by: Pava
As of now according to this live stream: The numbers of infected people in USA has outreached the numbers of China and my previous prediction is already met. If it continues like this then we might probably see 750k-1million cases :stressed: do you really...